2019年3月至今 教授 四川大学化学学院
2017年9月-2019年2月 Research Scientist II科罗拉多州立大学 合作导师:Prof. Eugene Chen
2014年9月-2017年8月 博士后 科罗拉多州立大学 合作导师:Prof. Eugene Chen
2009年9月-2014年7月 理学博士 中科院上海有机化学研究所 导师:唐勇 院士
2005年9月-2009年7月 理学学士 四川大学化学学院 导师:周向葛 教授
有机高分子材料已经成为人们日常生活、经济活动和国防建设必不可少的支撑材料。但是,高分子材料的快速发展和不当处理也带来了一系列环境问题和资源问题。例如,从大家所熟知的废弃塑料的“白色污染”、废弃轮胎的“黑色污染”以及废弃纺织纤维的“彩色污染”到如今受到广泛关注的海洋“微塑料”等问题。同时,目前高分子材料的生产过度依赖不可再生的化石资源。针对上述日益严重的问题,课题组从实现高分子材料可持续发展的角度出发,开展有机化学与高分子化学交叉学科研究,主要有以下几个研究方向:(1)开发新型生物质来源、性能优异高分子材料;(2)发展高效催化剂通过不对称反应构建手性聚合单体;(3)开发可反复循环利用高分子材料;(4)发展高效、高选择性高分子合成方法。例如,我们针对废旧塑料污染问题,发展了一类基于五元环内酯的高性能可反复循环利用高分子材料,该研究为解决废旧塑料回收问题提供新的思路。该工作在《科学》杂志上发表以后,引起国际学术界和社交媒体的广泛关注。相关成果以第一作者或通讯作者身份发表在Science、 Nat. Catal、 Nat. Commun、 J. Am. Chem. Soc.、 Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.等国际顶尖学术期刊上。其中可反复循环利用聚酯工作(Science 2018, 360, 398-403)被美国化学与工程新闻杂志(C&EN)选为2018年年度成果(Selected as the Research of the Year 2018 by C&EN)。课题组关于高性能可降解、可循环聚酯创制工作( J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2021, 143, 20591-20597;Nat. Catal. 2023, 6, 720–728)被国家自然科学基金委官方网站亮点评(https://www.nsfc.gov.cn/publish/portal0/tab448/info82191.htm;https://www.nsfc.gov.cn/publish/portal0/tab1288/info90241.htm)。目前,课题组承担了中组部、科技部、国家自然科学基金委、四川省以及四川大学多项科研项目。
2022年,“Chinese Journal of Chemistry” Emerging Investigator
代表性成果 (获奖成果、专著、论文、专利)
31. Huang, H.-Y.; Xie, M.; Wang, S.-Q.; Huang, Y.-T.; Luo, Y.-H.; Yu, D.-G.; Cai, Z.; Zhu, J.-B. Ultratough Thermoplastic Elastomers Based on Chemically Recyclable Cycloalkyl-Substituted Polyhydroxyalkanoates. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2025, doi.org/10.1021/jacs.4c17703.
30. Huang, Y.-T.; Huang, H.-Y.; Cheng, J.-L.; Xie, M.; Feng, L.-W.; Cai, Z.; Zhu, J.-B. A Regio- and Stereoselective Ring-Opening Polymerization Approach to Isotactic Alternating Poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) with Stereocomplexation. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2025, 64, e202422147. (Selected as VIP Paper)
29. Cao, Q.; Fan, H.-Z.; Xie, M.; Cai, Z.; Zhu, J.-B. Solubility-Equilibrium-Assisted Kinetic Resolution Polymerization towards Isotactic Polyesters Containing Axial Chirality. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2025, 147, 1147–1154.
28. Huang, H.-Y.; Ren, B.-H.; Xie, M.; Huang, Y.-T.; Li, K.; Cai, Z.; Zhu, J.-B. Facile Access to Perfectly Syndiotactic Polyhydroxyalkanoates via Stereoselective Ring-Opening Polymerization by a Spiro-Salen Catalyst. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2025, 64, e202419494. (Selected as VIP Paper)
27. Li, K.; Cheng, J.-L.; Wang, M.-Y.; Xiong, W.; Huang, H.-Y.; Feng, L.-W.; Cai, Z.; Zhu, J.-B. Kinetic Resolution Polymerization Enabled Chemical Synthesis of Perfectly Isotactic Polythioesters. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2024, 63, e202405382.
26. Cao, Q.; Tu, Y.-M.; Fan, H.-Z.; Shan, S.-Y.; Cai, Z.; Zhu, J.-B. Torsional Strain Enabled Ring-Opening Polymerization towards Axially Chiral Semiaromatic Polyesters with Chemically Recyclability. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2024, 63, e202400196. (Selected as Hot Paper)
25. Huang, H.-Y.; Xiong, W.; Huang, Y.-T.; Li, K.; Cai, Z.; Zhu, J.-B. Spiro-Salen Catalysts Enable the Chemical Synthesis of Stereoregular Polyhydroxyalkanoates. Nat. Catal. 2023, 6, 720–728. (Highlighted by NSFC)
24. Tu, Y.-M.; Gong, F.-L.; Wu, Y.-C.; Cai, Z.; Zhu, J.-B. Insights into Substitution Strategy towards Thermodynamic and Property Regulation of Chemically Recyclable Polymers. Nat. Commun 2023, 14, 3198.
23. Fan, H.-Z.; Yang, X.; Chen, J.-H.; Tu, Y.-M.; Cai, Z.; Zhu, J.-B. Advancing the Development of Recyclable Aromatic Polyesters by Functionalization and Stereocomplexation. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2022, 61, e202117639 (Selected as Hot Paper).
22. Tu, Y.-M.; Wang, X.-M.; Yang, X.; Fan, H.-Z.; Gong, F.-L.; Cai, Z.; Zhu, J.-B. Biobased High-Performance Aromatic–Aliphatic Polyesters with Complete Recyclability. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2021, 143, 20591–20597. (Highlighted by NSFC)
21. Wang, S.-Q.; Liu, L.-H.; Li, K.; Xiong, W.; Fan, H.-Z.; Cao, Q.; Cai, Z.; Zhu, J.-B. Implementing Sulfur-Substitution Approach Towards High-Performance Recyclable Plastics. Polym. Chem. 2025, 16, 987–993. (Invited contribution to the special issue on 2025 Polymer Chemistry Pioneering Investigators)
20. Liu, L.-H.; Wang, S.-Q.; Fan, H.-Z.; Cao, Q.; Cai, Z.; Zhu, J.-B. Chemically Recyclable Poly(thioether-thioester)s via Ring-Opening Polymerization of Seven-Membered Thiolactones. Polym. Chem. 2025, 16, 972–978. (Invited contribution to the special issue on Make polymers sustainable, why and how?)
19. Xie, M.; Huang, H.-Y.; Huang, Y.-T.; Ye, Y.-C.; Cai, Z.; Zhu, J.-B. Syndioselective Ring-Opening Polymerization of β-lactones Enabled by Dimethylbiphenyl-Salen Complexes. ACS Macro Lett. 2025, 14, 57–63.
18. Sun, Y.; An, Z.; Gao, Y.; Hu, R.; Liu, Y.; Lu, H.; Lu, X.-B.; Pang, X.; Tao, Y.; Shen, Y.; Wang, Y.-Z.; Wu, G.; Wu, G.-P.; Wang, J.; Zhang, X.-H.; Zhang, Y.-T.; Zhang, Z.; Zhu, J.-B.; Hong, M.; Li, Z. New Sustainable Polymers with On-demand Depolymerization Property. Sci. China Chem. 2024, 67, 2803–2841. (Invited Review)
17. Xia, Y.-Y.; Yang, X.; Zhang, W.; Fu, Y.; Cai, Z.; Cao, P.; Zhu, J.-B. A Facile Approach to Construct Functional Polyesters as Soft Midblock for Thermoplastic Elastomers. Chem. Eur. J. 2024, 30, e202401727. (Invited contribution to the special issue on chirality: from small molecules to macromolecules, selected as Hot Paper)
16. Zhang, W.; Shan, S.-Y.; Dai, J.; Cai, Z.; Zhu, J.-B. Well-Controlled Organocatalytic Ring-Opening Polymerization of Seven-Membered Cyclic Carbonates with Cyclohexyl Fusion. Chem. Res. Chin. Univ. 2024, 40, 856–862. (Invited contribution to the special issue on 20th anniversary of the Department of Chemistry at Renmin University of China)
15. Chen, J.-H.; Tu, Y.-M.; Yao, J.-R.; Tang, X.-X.; Xia, Y.-Y.; Cai, Z.; Zhang, Q.; Zhu, J.-B. Accessing Chemically Recyclable Polyamides via Geminal Dimethyl Substitution. Polymer, 2024, 298, 126898.
14. Shan, S.-Y.; Zhang, W.; Cao, Q.; Ye, Y.-C.; Cai, Z.; Zhu, J.-B. Cis-Fused Cyclohexane Promoted the Chemical Recycling of Polycarbonate to Monomer. Polym. Chem. 2024, 15, 1070–1076.
13. Xiong, W.; Dai, J.; Cai, Z.; Zhu, J.-B. Advancing the Material Performance of Chemically Recyclable Polythioesters via Copolymerization. Polymer, 2024, 290, 126515.
12. Huang, H.-Y.; Cai, Z.; Zhu, J.-B. Stereoregular Polyhydroxyalkanoates via Ring-Opening Polymerization of rac-β-lactones Catalysed by Spiro-Salen Yttrium Complexes. Chin. Sci. Bull. 2023, 68, 4597–4599. (Invited contribution on popular science)
11. Dai, J.; Xiong, W.; Li, D.-Y.; Cai, Z.; Zhu, J.-B. Bifunctional Thiourea-Based Organocatalysts Promoted Kinetic Resolution Polymerization of Racemic Lactide to Isotactic Polylactide. Chem. Commun. 2023, 59, 12731–12734.
10. Wu, Y.-C.; Fan, H.-Z.; Shan, S.-Y.; Wang, S.-Q.; Cai, Z.; Zhu, J.-B. Functionalizable and Recyclable Aliphatic Polycarbonates Derived from Biomass Feedstocks and CO2. Chem. Res. Chin. Univ. 2023, 39, 809–815. (Invited contribution to the special issue on polymer science)
9. Wang, X.-M.; Huang, H.-Y.; Tu, Y.-M.; Cai, Z.; Zhu, J.-B. Naphthalene Engineering of Chemically Recyclable Polyesters with Enhanced Thermal and Mechanical Properties. Polym. Chem. 2023, 14, 2027–2033. (Invited contribution to the special issue on plastic conversion)
8. Fan, H.-Z.; Yang, X.; Wu, Y.-C.; Cao, Q.; Cai, Z.; Zhu, J.-B. Leveraging the Monomer Structure for High-Performance Chemically Recyclable Semiaromatic Polyesters. Polym. Chem. 2023, 14, 747–753. (Invited contribution to the special issue on plastic conversion; Selected as one of Polymer Chemistry’s most popular 2023 articles)
7. Dai, J.; Xiong, W.; Du, M.-R.; Wu, G.; Cai, Z.; Zhu, J.-B. A Facile Approach towards High-Performance Poly(thioether-thioester)s with Full Recyclability. Sci. China Chem. 2023, 66, 251–258.
6. Wu, Y.-C.; Fan, H.-Z.; Zhang, W.; Wang, M.-Y.; Cai, Z.; Zhu, J.-B. Biobased Bifunctional Monomers toward Functionalizable Polycarbonates and Poly(cyclic olefin)s with Tunable Properties. Macromolecules 2022, 55, 9232–9241.
5. Yang, X.; Fan, H.-Z.; Cai, Z.; Zhang, Q.; Zhu, J.-B. Ring-Opening Polymerization of a Benzyl-Protected Cyclic Ester towards Functional Aliphatic Polyester. Chin. J. Chem. 2022, 40, 2973–2980. (Dedicated to the Special Issue of Emerging Investigators in 2022, Selected as Cover Paper)
4. Cai, Z.; Liu, Y.; Tao, Y.-H.; Zhu, J.-B. Recent Advances in Monomer Design for Recyclable Polymers. Acta Chim. Sinica 2022, 80, 1165–1182 (Invited Review, in Chinese, Selected as Cover Paper).
3. Zhu, J.-B. Introducing… Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2022, 61, e202202854.
2. Yang, X.; Zhang, W.; Huang, H.-Y.; Dai, J.; Wang, M.-Y.; Fan, H.-Z.; Cai, Z.; Zhang, Q.; Zhu, J.-B. Stereoselective Ring-Opening Polymerization of Lactones with a Fused Ring Leading to Semicrystalline Polyesters. Macromolecules 2022, 55, 2777–2786.
1. Zhang, W.; Dai, J.; Wu, Y.-C.; Chen, J.-X.; Shan, S.-Y.; Cai, Z.; Zhu, J.-B. Highly Reactive Cyclic Carbonates with a Fused Ring toward Functionalizable and Recyclable Polycarbonates. ACS Macro Lett. 2022, 11, 173–178.
Supervised Work (Before 2019)
11. Sangroniz, A.; Zhu, J.-B.; Tang, X.; Etxeberria, A.; Chen, E.-Y. X.; Sardon, H. Packaging Materials with Desired Mechanical and Barrier Properties and Full Chemical Recyclability. Nat. Commun 2019, 10, 3559–3566.
10. Cao, Z.§; Zhu, J.-B.§; Wang, L.; Liao, S.; Tang, Y. A Synthesis of Multifunctionalized Indoles from [3 + 2] Annulation of 2-Bromocyclopropenes with Anilines. Org Lett. 2019, 21, 4097–4100 (§contributed equally).
9. Zhu, J.-B.; Chen, E.-Y. X. Catalyst-Sidearm-Induced Stereoselectivity Switching in Polymerization of a Racemic Lactone for Stereocomplexed Crystalline Polymer with a Circular Life Cycle. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2019, 58, 1178–1182.
8. Zhu, J.-B.; Chen, E.-Y. X. Living Coordination Polymerization of a Six‐Five Bicyclic Lactone to Produce Completely Recyclable Polyester. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2018, 57, 12588–12562.
7. Zhu, J.-B.; Watson, E. M.; Tang, J.; Chen, E.-Y. X. A Synthetic Polymer System with Repeatable Recyclability. Science, 2018, 360, 398–403. Highlighted by Science (Plastics recycling with a difference),Science News (This plastic can be recycled over and over and over again), C&EN (Strong, stable polymer can be recycled again and again) and The Times (New ‘infinitely recyclable’ plastic created). Selected as the Research of the Year 2018 by C&EN!
6. Zhu, J.-B.; Tang, X.; Falivene, L.; Caporaso, L.; Cavallo, L.; Chen, E.-Y. X. Organocatalytic Coupling of Bromo-Lactide with Cyclic Ethers and Carbonates to Chiral Bromo-Diesters: NHC or Anion Catalysis? ACS Catal. 2017, 7, 3929–3933.
5. Zhu, J.-B.; Chen, E.-Y. X. From meso-Lactide to Isotactic Polylactide: Epimerization by B/N Lewis Pairs and Kinetic Resolution by Organic Catalysts. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2015, 137, 12506–12509.
4. Zhu, J.-B.; Chen, H.; Liao, S.; Li, Y.-X.; Tang, Y. A Sidearm-assisted Phosphine for Catalytic ylide Intramolecular Cyclopropanation. Org. Chem. Front. 2014, 1, 1035–1039.
3. Zhu, J.-B.; Chen, H.; Wang, L.; Tang, Y. Stereospecific Synthesis of Highly Functionalized Benzo[3.1.0]bicycloalkanes via Multistep Cascade Reactions. Org. Chem. Front. 2014, 1, 965–968.
2. Zhu, J.-B.; Wang P.; Liao, S.; Tang, Y. PPh3-mediated Intramolecular Conjugation of Alkyl Halides with Electron-deficient Olefins: Facile Synthesis of Chromans and Relevant Analogues, Chem. Commun. 2013, 49, 4570–4572.
1. Zhu, J.-B.; Wang, P.; Liao, S.; Tang, Y. Ylide Hydrolysis in Tandem Reactions: A Highly Z/E-Selective Access to 3-Alkylidene Dihydrobenzofurans and Related Analogues. Org. Lett. 2013, 15, 3054–3057.
7. 朱剑波;代江;蔡中正, 可回收聚对二硫环己酮及衍生物及其制备方法,ZL20211 0940215.1
6. 朱剑波;范华忠;蔡中正,一种可化学循环的高性能芳香族聚酯的制备方法,ZL202210017495.3
5. 朱剑波;吴彦辰;蔡中正,基于D-A反应的七元环碳酸酯单体以及聚碳酸酯制备方法,ZL202110932554.5
4. 朱剑波;张伟;蔡中正,一种主链含有并环结构聚碳酸酯的制备方法,ZL202110932554.5
3. 朱剑波,黄皓毅,蔡中正,一种螺环Salen配体、Salen催化剂及制备方法及其在开环聚合中的应用,ZL202110887204.1
2. Chen, E. Y.-X.; Zhu, J.-B. “Recyclable Polymers Based on Ring-Fused Gamma-Butyrolactones”, U.S. Pat. 10,759,899 B2, 2020.
1. Chen, E. Y.-X.; Zhu, J.-B. “Transformation of Meso-Lactide”, U.S. Pat. 10,174,161 B2, 2019.